Women in Leadership 2025
We are thrilled to announce the Women in Leadership Symposium 2025, hosted by the Center of Excellence - Homeland Security Emergency Management, will be held at Lower Columbia College in Longview, WA.
Women in Leadership 2025 Location Announcement
We are thrilled to announce the Women in Leadership Symposium 2025, hosted by the Center of Excellence - Homeland Security Emergency Management, will be held at Lower Columbia College in Longview, WA.
Women in Leadership Profile: Assistant Chief Martin
Women in Leadership Profile: Assistant Chief Martin By Deb Moller Assistant Chief Martin of the Washington State Patrol has a strong memory of being five years old, seeing a police car, and knowing that when she grew up, she would work in law enforcement. For AC Martin, this wasn’t [...]
Women in Leadership Symposium 2024
This year's symposium will center around the importance of fostering robust and dynamic relationships and partnerships with women in Resilience Management and associated fields
Washington’s Workforce Development Boards: How They Connect Employers to Job Seekers
Washington’s Workforce Development Boards: How They Connect Employers to Job Seekers By Kellie Hale What are Workforce Development Boards (WDBs)? I kept hearing about them during my time at the CoE-HSEM. However, I never had the chance to interact with them personally or professionally. It wasn’t until I began [...]
Women in Leadership Profile: Frances Whalen
Women in Leadership Profile: Frances Whalen By Deb Moller Every emergency manager knows that FEMA expects a “whole community” approach to preparedness. This guiding principle is sometimes seen as less critical than other doctrine. But it’s impossible to develop strong situational awareness, the foundation for effective planning and response, [...]
Women in Leadership Profile: Dr. Amelia Phillips
Photo of Amelia Phillips Women in Leadership Profile: Dr. Amelia Phillips Many of us will say, “It isn’t rocket science!” to point out when a problem is laughingly easy compared to getting a rocket into space. But if you want to know more about what is rocket [...]
Interview with Sarah Miller
Interview with Sarah Miller 1.) How does it feel to be the Interim Chair for the BAS HSEM Degree Program? Busy! Very, very busy! This was a very unexpected change that happened really close to the beginning of the term. Faculty had to be reassigned to new classes, [...]
Interview with YuVonne Bailey-Navarrette
Interview with YuVonne Bailey-Navarrette Where do you see the degree programs going in the next 3-5 years? We are currently launching an AAS-T that has been accepted by 3 BA programs, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Fire Service Leadership and Management, and Paramedicine. By developing this AAS-T students [...]
Women in Leadership Profile: Tiffany Brown
Women in Leadership Profile: Tiffany Brown Women in Leadership Profile: Tiffany Brown What if you found the perfect role for yourself, working in a field you were passionate about, grateful to serve your community as a behind the scenes leader who many people might not even know about? [...]
Women in Leadership Profile: Tieka Adeogun
Women in Leadership Profile: Tieka Adeogun Tieka has an impressive stack of certificates from FEMA courses. She can tell you about Incident Command. She knows how to build and evaluate exercises. Her experience in the field, and the degrees she’s earned, mean she’s ready to respond to a [...]
Women in Leadership Profile: Mary Kay Bredeson
Women in Leadership Profile: Mary Kay Bredeson By Deb Moller When someone retires, a common comment is that they are starting a new chapter in their lives. Most of the time, people are secretly certain that the coming chapter will be less interesting, less challenging, and less important [...]
Women in Leadership Profile: Michele L. Turner
Women in Leadership Profile: Michele L. Turner MBCP, FBCI, CISA, CRISC By Deb Moller “If you would go fast, go alone. But if you would go far, bring others along.” - African Proverb As a woman of color, Michele is aware that there are biases in the world that [...]
Women’s History Month Resources
For Teachers A selection of resources for teachers https://womenshistorymonth.gov/for-teachers/ Digital Classroom Resources - Explore all of the resources the National Women’s History Museum has created. There are lesson plans, biographies, posters, primary sources, and more. https://www.womenshistory.org/students-educators/digital-classroom-resources Lesson Plans on Notable Women and Women’s History in General. https://www.adl.org/education/resources/tools-and-strategies/womens-history-month-resources Domestic Abuse [...]
Women in Emergency Management: Continuing to Break Barriers
By Kellie Hale First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt Courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library archives. Did you know that First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt is considered the initial supporter of women in the field of emergency management? Mrs. Roosevelt encouraged her husband to appoint Florence Kerr [...]