Emergency Management, Once Removed by Jim Mullen2020-12-01T23:54:06+00:00
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Jim has spent 3 decades in emergency management, including 12 years at the local level as director of the City of Seattle’s Office of Emergency Management and 8 and a half years as Washington State’s Emergency Management Division Director. Jim retired from state service in March 2013. Jim also served as President of the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) from January 2011 to October 2012. He is currently sole proprietor of “EM Northwest Consulting” based in Seattle.

Information on this Blog is provided with the understanding that the authors and publishers are not engaged in rendering professional advice or services. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with an professional adviser. Opinions expressed here represent the viewpoints of individuals authoring the blog and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the Center of Excellence.

WTO riots and Y2K (1999) Podcast

Political Hokey Pokey: Navigating Politics in Emergency Management

Political Hokey Pokey: Navigating Politics in Emergency Management   By Jim Mullen In a world where politics can often feel like a chaotic game of “hokey pokey,” it’s vital to remember that emergency management is about serving all communities in times of crisis—regardless of political or social affiliation. We all remember that charming limerick from [...]

Now What?

Now What? By Jim Mullen As climate change impacts and political challenges grow, local and state governments must focus on building resilience. This article highlights the critical role of emergency management in preparing for future disasters. The federal election is over. A new Administration will assume the reins on January 20. There will be [...]

Disaster Exercise Scenario “Injects” – What Might Stretch Credulity?

Disaster Exercise Scenario “Injects” - What Might Stretch Credulity? Emergency Management Once Removed By Jim Mullen Somewhere, or in many “somewhere” in the United States, diligent emergency management professionals are designing disaster exercises. Some will be tabletops; some full field exercises; some a mix of tabletop/field activity. Some will receive highly visible public attention; [...]

On Resilience – What Is It? Why Are We Talking About It?

On Resilience – What Is It? Why Are We Talking About It? Emergency Management Once Removed October 4, 2024 By Jim Mullen Some people have difficulty discerning  what disaster resilience means. Admittedly, it’s an amorphous concept because it does not carry the aura of a “final solution” – and in emergency management some of [...]

A Word About Disaster Preparedness

The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

Strengthening Law Enforcement – Taking a “Third” Side

The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

Strategic Foresight III – The “Quiet Part”

Strategic Foresight III - "The Quiet Part" Emergency Management Once Removed July 12, 2024 By Jim Mullen  “Strategic foresight’s” absence was evident on January 6, 2021. Warnings signs were clearly “missed. Outnumbered, heroic police officers held the line that day, preventing a coup. Must they stand alone next time? Did we learn anything at [...]

Strategic Foresight II

The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

Strategic Foresight I: A Pathway to National Resilience

The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

Not Nearly Enough

Even predictable natural disasters frequently catch elected officials by surprise. A discouraging number of elected  officials and senior staff act as if  foreseeing and managing potential disaster impacts is a job for “another budget cycle.” So what are they doing in the meantime? Not nearly enough”.


WHODUNNITT! By Jim Mullen I have observed the renewal of a “debate” of sorts that seems to preoccupy some emergency management academics and practitioners: aren’t most disasters man- made and not ”natural?” -an interesting proposition if there weren’t more pragmatic concerns for emergency managers. We could trace our problems all the way back to [...]

The Rocky Road Ahead

The Rocky Road Ahead Emergency Management Once Removed January 31, 2023 By Jim Mullen “Wake me up when it’s all over, when I’m wiser and I’m older…” * Emergency managers (state and local) may be excused for feeling this way during most election years, when relatively minor incidents can suddenly become HUGE, with the [...]

The Blame Game

The Blame Game Emergency Management Once Removed January 16, 2023 By Jim Mullen Major disasters occur all the time, usually resulting in inquiries about the degree of advance warning, or the level of preparation of authorities for a worst-case scenario.  “Blame” most often accompanies catastrophic events when perceptions are that readiness or critical decision-making [...]

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