Find Your Superpower


Find Your Superpower By Nancy Aird Did your college dreams get stopped by life experiences, financial hardships, learning challenges, COVID shutdown, or caring for children and family members?  You are not alone. Since fall of 2019, 2.6 million students started their college careers. 39 million Americans have some college credits, but have not finished their education to get degrees. Re-enrollment success is not a one-size-fits-all- solution. Community and technical colleges are a great localized start to getting back onto your path to success. You have gained life experience since your college path stopped. What are your current career goals [...]

Find Your Superpower2024-09-05T23:06:53+00:00

Gov. Jay Inslee holds press conference about CJTC expansion


Gov. Jay Inslee holds press conference about CJTC expansion On July 21st, governor Jay Inslee held a press conference where other law enforcement officials and legislators assembled to outline proposals on the expansion of the Criminal Justice Training Center to Pasco, Vancouver, and Everett-Bellingham. Our Center and our CJ Work Group were involved in helping to publish a Basic Law Enforcement Training Study in 2018 which recommended a regional approach for enhancing and expanding training. To view the conference, visit:

Gov. Jay Inslee holds press conference about CJTC expansion2022-09-20T17:31:03+00:00

Breaking News – Landslides


Breaking News - Landslides Columbia River Blocked By Massive Landslide 1446-1447 AD By Nancy Aird The 1446-1447 AD Bonneville Landslide (also known as The Bridge of the Gods Landslide) blocks Columbia River where the river bisects the Cascade Range near present day Cascade Locks. The southern escarpment of Table Mountain in Washington State slid, releasing 5-6 square miles of debris up to 400 feet thick into the river. The resulting 300 foot deep lake backed up 170 miles back to present day Tri Cities. It was mostly eroded by 1690, but the Cascade Rapids and Celilo Falls marked the [...]

Breaking News – Landslides2022-09-20T17:04:43+00:00

COE Highlights


COE Highlights FY 22 Impact Statement Economic Development Focus Currently, 86,000 employees are documented in the CTE Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Clusters. Government and public service organizations employ about 80% of this workforce with 20% employment in private sector. There is a growing demand in this cluster for security and protective service professionals, law enforcement. A COE-HSEM 2021-22 Careers Pathway Guide was published and distributed. It provides up-to-date information on all-hazard emergency management career pathways as well as six career pathway programs located at our State Board Community and Technical Colleges and Washington State Skills Centers. For [...]

COE Highlights2022-09-20T16:17:09+00:00

Back-to-School Programs


Back-to-School Programs Looking for a great career opportunity? Thinking about career options or looking to change careers? The climate change crisis has created significate educational opportunities in Emergency and Risk Management for industries, government, and public service. Join the workforce to help maintain national security, response to all-hazard events and help build strong resiliency in a changing world. Our current CTC programs focus on 6 major pathways: Criminal Justice Cyber/Technolgy Medical and Health Services Fire/Wildland Homeland Security Emergency Management Occupational Health and Safety These pathway programs begin in the K-12 systems with 15 of our statewide skill centers. Students [...]

Back-to-School Programs2022-09-15T22:56:33+00:00

“You don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows…” (Bob al.)


“You don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows…” (Bob al.) by Jim Mullen Emergency Management, Once Removed In this era of increasingly dangerous weather events, among the most dangerous are those slow-moving storm systems that pause over an area for an extended period before moving on or dissipating. It’s prudent to be alert to the potential for devastation and tragic consequences from such storms. Years ago, emergency managers developed a partnership with the National Weather Service (NWS), encouraging scientists to provide the earliest possible worst-case weather scenarios that might occur to aid us in preparing the public. A different [...]

“You don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows…” (Bob al.)2022-09-13T20:01:33+00:00

Interview with Sarah Miller


Interview with Sarah Miller 1.) How does it feel to be the Interim Chair for the BAS HSEM Degree Program? Busy! Very, very busy! This was a very unexpected change that happened really close to the beginning of the term. Faculty had to be reassigned to new classes, students had to be assigned to new advisors, new students had to be oriented, and there were meetings. So many meetings! But it’s been really great to start getting to know the faculty, staff, and administration on a different level, and to make contact with all the students I hadn’t yet [...]

Interview with Sarah Miller2021-09-27T19:13:50+00:00

Interview with YuVonne Bailey-Navarrette


Interview with YuVonne Bailey-Navarrette Where do you see the degree programs going in the next 3-5 years? We are currently launching an AAS-T that has been accepted by 3 BA programs, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Fire Service Leadership and Management, and Paramedicine. By developing this AAS-T students will have the ability to transfer between colleges and continue their course of study in their chosen fields.  Now that that hard work is done we can again focus on bringing our advanced training programs to Pierce College and its military and rural partners. Technology – how has technology changed the [...]

Interview with YuVonne Bailey-Navarrette2021-09-27T19:09:31+00:00
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