Year of Resilience 2024


Year of Resilience 2024 By Linda Crerar In 2012, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) introduced the Whole Community Emergency Management Strategy to coordinate all levels of government, increase individual preparedness, and engage with members of the as vital partners to strengthen resiliency and security in this country. In January of 2024, FEMA announced the expansion of their efforts to continue building resilient communities. FEMA wants to stop the “cycle of response, recovery, rinse, and repeat”, and thanks to an increased investment of resources this past year, FEMA will be better able to help communities prepare for and mitigate [...]

Year of Resilience 20242024-07-12T18:45:20+00:00

Paid Internships in Conservation Law Enforcement


Paid Internships in Conservation Law Enforcement By Captain Phil Johnson For the past several years, Washington state has finished last in law enforcement staffing, lagging behind all 50 states and the District of Columbia at 1.35 police officers per thousand residents. This number continues to decline as the State’s population increases and fewer individuals demonstrate an interest in pursuing criminal justice career pathways. There are many factors negatively influencing the declining interest in criminal justice professions among eligible job seekers, and candidates in the contemporary political race for Governor are all claiming they will make law enforcement staffing a [...]

Paid Internships in Conservation Law Enforcement2024-07-12T18:43:43+00:00

Apprenticeships, Internships, and Skill Centers


Apprenticeships, Internships, and Skill Centers By Nancy Aird What is your future? The future is always part of life. There are no one-size-fits-all plans for career and educational pathways after graduation, unemployment, or changing career goals. For example, my path diverged from my B.S. in Police Science and Administration. I worked 38 years in the Supply Chain field and got an A.A.S. in Homeland Security Emergency Management and now work at the Center as a Program Specialist. Open up to opportunities if they arise. Below are some sites to start looking into for your future. Apprenticeship Pathway  This combines learning from work experiences [...]

Apprenticeships, Internships, and Skill Centers2024-07-12T18:43:29+00:00

July is Disability Pride Month


On July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed in to law which prohibits any discrimination based on disability. Since then, July has been celebrated as Disability Pride Month. In 1990, the first Disability Pride Day was held in Boston and the first Disability Pride Parade was held in Chicago in 2004.

July is Disability Pride Month2024-07-12T00:41:29+00:00

Studying the Past, Confronting the Present, Shaping the Future


Studying the Past, Confronting the Present, Shaping the Future by Jim Mullen Emergency Management, Once Removed The epidemic of mass shootings (defined as incidents where four or more persons are injured) in our country are emotionally draining tragedies for which thoughts and prayers are insufficient while rational solutions seem out of reach. Those who train and educate emergency managers and homeland security professionals pursuing certificates, degrees, or advanced education in emergency management must not avoid analyzing and discussing current, controversial public safety issues. But what we may or may not be teaching adults who are exploring the emergency management /homeland [...]

Studying the Past, Confronting the Present, Shaping the Future2022-07-26T19:20:16+00:00

PIEPC July Webinar ShakeAlert Evolution: Programming for the Inevitable


  One year after public alerting via WEA and cell phones was available in Washington State, ShakeAlert continues to evolve. More accurate estimates of magnitude and shaking levels have lead to more confidence in triggering automated actions when strong shaking is imminent. What changes in ShakeAlert have been implemented and what is in the works? How is ShakeAlert helping to protect critical infrastructure today? Bill Steele has directed the Educational Outreach and Communications Program for the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) at the University of Washington, since 1993. He works closely with news reporters and filmmakers to provide hazards information [...]

PIEPC July Webinar ShakeAlert Evolution: Programming for the Inevitable2022-07-12T20:19:01+00:00

Access and Functional Needs Statement


Access and Functional Needs Statement We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone, and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability. To fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to all people: [...]

Access and Functional Needs Statement2021-07-27T22:09:16+00:00

Women in Leadership Profile: Tieka Adeogun


Women in Leadership Profile: Tieka Adeogun Tieka has an impressive stack of certificates from FEMA courses. She can tell you about Incident Command. She knows how to build and evaluate exercises. Her experience in the field, and the degrees she’s earned, mean she’s ready to respond to a wide range of disasters. Even so, it wasn’t until the incident involving a mouse and a kayak that she discovered how completely she’d adopted the lens of an emergency manager. None of those FEMA courses said anything about the kind of small domestic emergency that might occur if a kayak is [...]

Women in Leadership Profile: Tieka Adeogun2021-07-27T19:29:51+00:00

2021-22 Work Plan Activities


2021-22 Work Plan Activities Activity #1: Provide Leadership and Guidance That Aligns w/SBCTC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Vision and Goals– Recovering and Eliminating Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias Center working with its Advisory Board has adopted program goals that will help the SBCTC system identify, integrate, apply, and maintain EDI principles in all Center’s Career Pathway Programs curriculum. The goal is to significantly improve our education pathway outcomes for all underrepresented communities building a diverse and competitive workforce. The Board established a working sub-committee made up of Board Members, faculty, staff, and students to collaborate on: Reviewing current [...]

2021-22 Work Plan Activities2021-07-27T19:06:18+00:00

Highlights for 2020-2021


Highlights for 2020-2021 Expansion and Diversification of our Advisory Board Our Center’s primary goal for the 2020-2021 year was to create practical ways to enhance diversity and inclusion in our all-hazard career pathways. As a result, we expanded and diversified our Advisory Board to include members representing our diverse communities and career pathways. Our new diverse Board allows for a more broad discussion on the growth and commitment to reaching a more diverse student population. In addition, it brings forth the conversion about the process to expand the curriculum to include topics such as systemic racism and implicit bias [...]

Highlights for 2020-20212022-02-24T00:41:40+00:00
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