Highlights for 2020-2021


Highlights for 2020-2021 Expansion and Diversification of our Advisory Board Our Center’s primary goal for the 2020-2021 year was to create practical ways to enhance diversity and inclusion in our all-hazard career pathways. As a result, we expanded and diversified our Advisory Board to include members representing our diverse communities and career pathways. Our new diverse Board allows for a more broad discussion on the growth and commitment to reaching a more diverse student population. In addition, it brings forth the conversion about the process to expand the curriculum to include topics such as systemic racism and implicit bias [...]

Highlights for 2020-20212022-02-24T00:41:40+00:00

Women in Leadership Profile: Mary Kay Bredeson


Women in Leadership Profile: Mary Kay Bredeson By Deb Moller When someone retires, a common comment is that they are starting a new chapter in their lives. Most of the time, people are secretly certain that the coming chapter will be less interesting, less challenging, and less important than the work-life the person is leaving.  But people who know Mary Kaye Bredeson are secretly certain that her track record of reinventing her life in wondrous ways will continue, and whatever comes next is sure to be as remarkable as what has come before. As the eldest of seven children [...]

Women in Leadership Profile: Mary Kay Bredeson2021-05-26T20:14:29+00:00

Women in Leadership Profile: Michele L. Turner


Women in Leadership Profile: Michele L. Turner MBCP, FBCI, CISA, CRISC By Deb Moller “If you would go fast, go alone. But if you would go far, bring others along.” - African Proverb As a woman of color, Michele is aware that there are biases in the world that can impact how others see the value that she has to offer. She insists that it’s the invisible differences, things we may not see or know about other people that are a critical source of diversity that should not be overlooked. For example, an invisible diversity characteristic in her life is [...]

Women in Leadership Profile: Michele L. Turner2021-04-30T00:18:18+00:00

United Nations Women Training Center Classes


By Nancy Aird In 2015, the world leaders adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to ensure women and girls’ rights across all goals for justice and inclusive economies by 2030. The United Nations (UN) Women site provides daily news, blogs, and training to promote these SDGs. The UN Women Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) provides open access to advanced skills and knowledge acquired by training and sharing to advance gender equality, women’s empowerment, and women’s rights. Many of these courses are self-paced and free. Catalog offerings currently available include the following categories: Leadership & Governance: Economic Empowerment [...]

United Nations Women Training Center Classes2021-04-07T21:55:19+00:00

Women’s History Month Resources


For Teachers A selection of resources for teachers https://womenshistorymonth.gov/for-teachers/ Digital Classroom Resources - Explore all of the resources the National Women’s History Museum has created. There are lesson plans, biographies, posters, primary sources, and more. https://www.womenshistory.org/students-educators/digital-classroom-resources Lesson Plans on Notable Women and Women’s History in General. https://www.adl.org/education/resources/tools-and-strategies/womens-history-month-resources Domestic Abuse Survivors National Domestic Violence Hotline: https://www.thehotline.org/ Get Help Now – WA State Coalition Against Domestic Violence: https://wscadv.org/get-help-now/ The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV):  https://ncadv.org/resources Shelters and Additional Assistance Programs Mary’s Place - https://www.marysplaceseattle.org/ Noel House Programs - https://ccsww.org/get-help/shelter-homeless-services/noel-house-programs/ Dignity for Divas - https://www.dignityfordivas.org/programs Scholarships Washington Women in Need (WWIN) Star [...]

Women’s History Month Resources2021-05-04T23:04:49+00:00

Women in Emergency Management: Continuing to Break Barriers


By Kellie Hale First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt Courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library archives. Did you know that First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt is considered the initial supporter of women in the field of emergency management? Mrs. Roosevelt encouraged her husband to appoint Florence Kerr as project lead to research and implement ways on how women can utilize their skills during World War II. The two women helped establish the development of the Office of Civil Defense (OCD). The purpose of the OCD was to bring communities across the United States health programs and medical care [...]

Women in Emergency Management: Continuing to Break Barriers2021-05-04T23:06:11+00:00

Women are Essential to Peace…


By Linda Crerar The United Nations has sponsored International Women’s Day since 1975. When adopting its resolution on the observance of International Women’s Day, the United Nations General Assembly cited the following reasons: “To recognize the fact that securing peace and social progress and the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms require the active participation, equality and development of women; and to acknowledge the contribution of women to the strengthening of international peace and security.” Women’s History Month celebrates women’s contributions to history, culture, and society in the United States since 1987. Women’s history is full of trailblazers in [...]

Women are Essential to Peace…2021-05-04T23:07:26+00:00
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