Highlights for 2020-2021
Expansion and Diversification of our Advisory Board
Our Center’s primary goal for the 2020-2021 year was to create practical ways to enhance diversity and inclusion in our all-hazard career pathways. As a result, we expanded and diversified our Advisory Board to include members representing our diverse communities and career pathways. Our new diverse Board allows for a more broad discussion on the growth and commitment to reaching a more diverse student population. In addition, it brings forth the conversion about the process to expand the curriculum to include topics such as systemic racism and implicit bias within the industries.
For more information on our Advisory Board members, visit: http://coehsemorigin.dreamhosters.com/advisory-board/
Deb Moller’s Women in Leadership Profiles
In the winter quarter of 2021, Deb Moller’s “Women in Leadership Profile debuted in January’s issue of Confluence. The profile highlights women from different career and education backgrounds and how they contribute to their chosen career field. Deb is the former public-private partnerships manager at the Oregon Office of Emergency Management. She is a senior fellow at the Center of Excellence, Homeland Security – Emergency Management and has over ten years of experience assisting local, state, federal, and tribal governments and private profit and not-for-profit organizations to achieve performance goals.
Criminal Justice Open Education Resource (OER) Textbook Development
High interest circulated amongst the Statewide Criminal Justice Work Group to develop Open Education Resource (OER) curriculum across the state for CJ&101. Quill West, Open Education Project Management at Pierce College, has been a wonderful addition to the work group and has helped with some project management for developing an OER textbook with the CJ work group.
CJ & 101 OER chapters would include:
• Fundamentals
• Policing
• Courts
• Corrections
• Juveniles
Collaboration with the Pierce College HSEM Degree Program on Diversity in Leadership
We began to collaborate with the Pierce College HSEM program on Diversity in Leadership to highlight diversity within the All-Hazards Emergency Management field. This project aims to help an array of students from different backgrounds about the fantastic opportunities the All-Hazard EM career field has to offer. We are also developing and delivering workshops on professional development in job searching strategies, resume building, and interviewing skills. The collaboration with the Center and the Pierce College HSEM program on the Diversity in Leadership workshops will continue for the 21-22 school year.