On Resilience – What Is It? Why Are We Talking About It?


On Resilience – What Is It? Why Are We Talking About It? Emergency Management Once Removed October 4, 2024 By Jim Mullen Some people have difficulty discerning  what disaster resilience means. Admittedly, it’s an amorphous concept because it does not carry the aura of a “final solution” – and in emergency management some of the better expert staff I oversaw were wary of the term. But It’s time for homeland security/emergency management professionals to understand the concept of resilience  -bend but don’t break –is essential to sustain the social equilibrium in difficult circumstances. What homeland security and emergency management professionals [...]

On Resilience – What Is It? Why Are We Talking About It?2024-10-03T22:47:17+00:00

Strengthening Law Enforcement – Taking a “Third” Side


The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

Strengthening Law Enforcement – Taking a “Third” Side2024-08-21T23:46:43+00:00

Year of Resilience 2024


Year of Resilience 2024 By Linda Crerar In 2012, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) introduced the Whole Community Emergency Management Strategy to coordinate all levels of government, increase individual preparedness, and engage with members of the as vital partners to strengthen resiliency and security in this country. In January of 2024, FEMA announced the expansion of their efforts to continue building resilient communities. FEMA wants to stop the “cycle of response, recovery, rinse, and repeat”, and thanks to an increased investment of resources this past year, FEMA will be better able to help communities prepare for and mitigate [...]

Year of Resilience 20242024-07-12T18:45:20+00:00

Strategic Foresight III – The “Quiet Part”


Strategic Foresight III - "The Quiet Part" Emergency Management Once Removed July 12, 2024 By Jim Mullen  “Strategic foresight’s” absence was evident on January 6, 2021. Warnings signs were clearly “missed. Outnumbered, heroic police officers held the line that day, preventing a coup. Must they stand alone next time? Did we learn anything at all? Can everyone in authority be relied upon to perform and behave as the laws of the nation require? The January 6, 2021 insurrection-rich environment’s  impact was confined to the US Capitol Region. Some members of Congress, many citizens from various walks of life, and a [...]

Strategic Foresight III – The “Quiet Part”2024-07-12T18:46:50+00:00

Strategic Foresight II


The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

Strategic Foresight II2024-06-13T20:25:30+00:00

Strategic Foresight I: A Pathway to National Resilience


The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

Strategic Foresight I: A Pathway to National Resilience2024-06-06T22:11:08+00:00

Definition: “Resilience – The Capacity to Bend Without Breaking”


My favorite English professor at Western Washington, Arthur Hicks, taught Shakespeare. He administered daily, graded 10-minute snap exams on some aspect of the previous day’s reading – if you did well, he would write on your paper “so far, good…but” and he would then point out additional insights (channeling Shakespeare, I presume) the student might have incorporated into the exam response. When I asked why he did that, he said there was always something more to learn, something more to uncover – “so far, good” was thus an exhortation to dig deeper, become even more proficient.

Definition: “Resilience – The Capacity to Bend Without Breaking”2023-05-25T18:23:13+00:00

Storytime: The Equal Rights Amendment and Me


Storytime: The Equal Rights Amendment and Me by Jim Mullen From 1973-75 I was an ombudsman in Jacksonville, Illinois, an exempt employee of a self-proclaimed “reform” Governor, Dan Walker. Though my “day job” was to advocate for citizens wrongly deprived of government services to which they were entitled, my “exempt” status meant the intrusion of state politics “after hours” was inescapable. The formal amendment of the US Constitution to include the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) required ratification in 2/3rds of the 50 states. In 1974-75, the supporters of the ERA needed only a handful of states to amend the Constitution. [...]

Storytime: The Equal Rights Amendment and Me2022-06-28T17:38:29+00:00

Imagine This…


Imagine This... by Dr. Mary Schoenfeldt Trauma, Resilience, Self-Care, Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, PTSD and Post Traumatic Growth… all common words these day, aren’t they? They have become such everyday familiar words we use them freely in conversation, but what do they really mean? And more importantly, why does it matter to you? Imagine this… your home is destroyed in a disaster… or your community is shattered by an unimaginable act of violence against innocent people. You watch responders of all kinds drive 100 mph hour with lights and sirens blaring to the scene to help. You think this is the [...]

Imagine This…2022-06-28T17:45:54+00:00

Resiliency and Climate Change: Both Go Hand-In-Hand


By Kellie Hale The world is continuing to see an increase in high temperatures, seasonal weather is shifting, with an increasing impact on weather events (e.g., snowstorms, floods, hurricanes, tornados, drought, etc.). The longer we put aside our need for climate change adaptation, the more difficult and expensive it will be in combating this major issue. What are adaptations? They refer to adjustments within our ecological, social, or economic systems impacted by climate change. These systems processes, practices, and structures will continue to see a growth in damages associated with climate change. On January 27, 2021, President Joe Biden took [...]

Resiliency and Climate Change: Both Go Hand-In-Hand2021-04-07T22:31:02+00:00
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