Happy Pride Month 2024


Happy Pride Month! By Jasmine May Each June, the LGBTQIA+ community celebrates Pride Month which started after the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York. Pride Month serves as a tribute to the history and influence of the community worldwide while also standing against discrimination and violence. It increases the visibility of LGBTQIA+ individuals, celebrates diversity in gender and identity, and advocates for equal rights. How is emergency management involved? During emergency events and situations, LGBTQIA+ communities as well as communities of color and single parents are among the highest impacted during disasters and emergency situations. Health centers frequently [...]

Happy Pride Month 20242024-06-11T20:52:57+00:00

Rosie the Riveter


Rosie the Riveter By Nancy Aird The iconic face of Rosie promoted the female defense workers during World War II, but the name of the worker was unknown. The first poster image was titled “We Can Do It!”.  J. Howard Miller created the iconic women in a red bandana with her flexed bent arm in a rolled-up shirt sleeve in 1942 as part of the Westinghouse Electric Corp. wartime production campaign. Norman Rockwell created a cover on The Saturday Evening Post on May 29, 1943.   The women had a blue jumpsuit, red bandana in her hair, and was eating a [...]

Rosie the Riveter2024-05-01T21:07:21+00:00

Jamye Wisecup Scholarship Request


In 2019, the Jamye Wisecup Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to honor Jamye’s memory. For those who did not have an opportunity to work with her during the years she was an emergency manager in Clallam County, she was the heart and soul of emergency management in her community and made an impact on many people’s lives. Jamye was a Board Member with our Center for many years and her dedication to promote emergency preparedness and her genuine caring for everyone made her exceptional. Peninsula College and the Center Advisory Board have worked together for the past five years to [...]

Jamye Wisecup Scholarship Request2024-02-23T19:17:02+00:00

Resilient Management – What’s in our future


Resilient Management – What’s in our future “Seizing the momentum to build resilience for a future of sustainable inclusive growth” - (The resilience agenda, developed by the World Economic Forum it the first serious program to coordinate long-term solutions throughout our disrupted world. People, education, and organizational resilience: Organizations need to become more flexible to adjust to economic changes. De-centralized leadership model. Cultivates talent and self-sufficient teams. Invest in education to address the need new skills, upskilling, reskilling existing workforce. (The following information provided by: Cheyene Marling – Center Advisory Board Member and Managing Director of Talent Management & Research [...]

Resilient Management – What’s in our future2024-02-23T02:51:43+00:00



WHODUNNITT! By Jim Mullen I have observed the renewal of a “debate” of sorts that seems to preoccupy some emergency management academics and practitioners: aren’t most disasters man- made and not ”natural?” -an interesting proposition if there weren’t more pragmatic concerns for emergency managers. We could trace our problems all the way back to the Original Sin, but I prefer focusing on mitigating our hazard vulnerabilities. Speaking recently to University of Washington graduate students about hazard mitigation, I described Seattle Project Impact’s (SPI) success at illuminating the benefits of confronting known hazards (earthquake in Seattle) through a grass roots, whole-community [...]

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