Breaking News – Landslides


Breaking News - Landslides Columbia River Blocked By Massive Landslide 1446-1447 AD By Nancy Aird The 1446-1447 AD Bonneville Landslide (also known as The Bridge of the Gods Landslide) blocks Columbia River where the river bisects the Cascade Range near present day Cascade Locks. The southern escarpment of Table Mountain in Washington State slid, releasing 5-6 square miles of debris up to 400 feet thick into the river. The resulting 300 foot deep lake backed up 170 miles back to present day Tri Cities. It was mostly eroded by 1690, but the Cascade Rapids and Celilo Falls marked the [...]

Breaking News – Landslides2022-09-20T17:04:43+00:00

COE Highlights


COE Highlights FY 22 Impact Statement Economic Development Focus Currently, 86,000 employees are documented in the CTE Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Clusters. Government and public service organizations employ about 80% of this workforce with 20% employment in private sector. There is a growing demand in this cluster for security and protective service professionals, law enforcement. A COE-HSEM 2021-22 Careers Pathway Guide was published and distributed. It provides up-to-date information on all-hazard emergency management career pathways as well as six career pathway programs located at our State Board Community and Technical Colleges and Washington State Skills Centers. For [...]

COE Highlights2022-09-20T16:17:09+00:00

Washington Disaster Resiliency Work Group


In the 2019 legislative session Insurance Commissioner, Mike Kreidler proposed legislation to help our state prepare for and mitigate climate disasters. The Senate Bill 5106 was signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee and created a workgroup represented by 27 organizations including legislators, state agencies, insurance companies, Tribal leaders, municipal groups, and other key parties to review and make recommendations on how to best coordinate and improve disaster resilience work in Washington state. The law took effect on July 28, and a final report, Disaster Resiliency Work Group Final Report - November 2020, was delivered to the state legislature on [...]

Washington Disaster Resiliency Work Group2021-04-07T22:27:00+00:00
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