Zombie Fires


Zombie Fires By Nancy Aird Zombie fires are wildland fires that return from the dead. Logically, we think that rain and snow in winter will put out the last sparks of a fire however, zombie, holdover or overwintering fires never fully extinguish. Instead, they smolder underground, hiding under a root or stump, or inside a tree away from the rain and snow until the conditions allow them to reappear as a full-on blaze. Yes, Washington state has experienced zombie ignited fires. New research shows rapid atmospheric warming above ground could allowed peat soils to heat to smoldering temperatures without any spark [...]

Zombie Fires2024-09-19T22:08:37+00:00

Find Your Superpower


Find Your Superpower By Nancy Aird Did your college dreams get stopped by life experiences, financial hardships, learning challenges, COVID shutdown, or caring for children and family members?  You are not alone. Since fall of 2019, 2.6 million students started their college careers. 39 million Americans have some college credits, but have not finished their education to get degrees. Re-enrollment success is not a one-size-fits-all- solution. Community and technical colleges are a great localized start to getting back onto your path to success. You have gained life experience since your college path stopped. What are your current career goals [...]

Find Your Superpower2024-09-05T23:06:53+00:00

Apprenticeships, Internships, and Skill Centers


Apprenticeships, Internships, and Skill Centers By Nancy Aird What is your future? The future is always part of life. There are no one-size-fits-all plans for career and educational pathways after graduation, unemployment, or changing career goals. For example, my path diverged from my B.S. in Police Science and Administration. I worked 38 years in the Supply Chain field and got an A.A.S. in Homeland Security Emergency Management and now work at the Center as a Program Specialist. Open up to opportunities if they arise. Below are some sites to start looking into for your future. Apprenticeship Pathway  This combines learning from work experiences [...]

Apprenticeships, Internships, and Skill Centers2024-07-12T18:43:29+00:00

Rosie the Riveter


Rosie the Riveter By Nancy Aird The iconic face of Rosie promoted the female defense workers during World War II, but the name of the worker was unknown. The first poster image was titled “We Can Do It!”.  J. Howard Miller created the iconic women in a red bandana with her flexed bent arm in a rolled-up shirt sleeve in 1942 as part of the Westinghouse Electric Corp. wartime production campaign. Norman Rockwell created a cover on The Saturday Evening Post on May 29, 1943.   The women had a blue jumpsuit, red bandana in her hair, and was eating a [...]

Rosie the Riveter2024-05-01T21:07:21+00:00

After the Wildfire – Recovery and Reclamation of Land Tips


After the Wildfire – Recovery and Reclamation of Land Tips By Nancy Aird As the population builds out into rural areas, the chances of wildfire impacting your life increases with damage possible away from the direct wildfire. The severity of the fire impacts not only the vegetation we see, but the soil structure and microbial community beneath. Slopes damaged by wildfire are prone to accelerated soil erosion, floods, and landslides (debris flow) from damaged vegetation and roots that protected the soil. Evaluation of burn conditions on the land after a fire often uses 3 definitions to describe how the soil [...]

After the Wildfire – Recovery and Reclamation of Land Tips2024-04-05T17:48:51+00:00

Are You Wildfire Ready?


ARE YOU WILDFIRE READY? Mitigate, Prepare and Prevent By Nancy Aird The wildland urban interface (WUI) is the area where homes are built near or among lands prone to wildland fire. Homeowners value their privacy, natural beauty, recreational opportunities and affordable living created by buying in neighborhoods built in these areas. As a result, rural fire districts more often have to fight fire and protect homes and property within these wildland urban interface areas. Mitigation accepts we cannot prevent everything from happening.  Wildfires and other disasters cannot be eliminated. They will always impact on people, property and resources.   The spark that sets [...]

Are You Wildfire Ready?2024-04-05T03:09:53+00:00

Climate Change: A Practical Guide


Climate Change:  A Practical Guide By Linda Crerar & Nancy Aird How are more extreme weather, rising temperatures, and climate change affecting our health, homes, finances, safety, and day-to-day activities? What can we do about it? Every year, Washington faces floods, wildfires, landslides, tornadoes, and snow. Our Confluence staff has talked with experts and reviewed current studies to assess the risks. What are some risks and possible gains that are being noted today so mitigation steps can be initiated before issues become more severe? Remember some of these extremes: Wildfire: Labor Day 2020 - Wildfires in eastern WA destroyed Malden [...]

Climate Change: A Practical Guide2022-04-28T19:39:45+00:00

Breaking News – 322nd Year Anniversary of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake/Tsunami


Breaking News - 322nd Year Anniversary of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake/Tsunami   By Nancy Aird January 26, 1700, at 9:00 pm, the last Cascadia Subduction Zone megathrust earthquake (CSZ) was estimated at magnitude 8 or 9, and the subsequent tsunami devastated the Pacific Northwest. How are we able to estimate the magnitude of the fault slippage, date, and devastation without modern seismic data? Indigenous knowledge, geo-forensics, and written history from other parts of the world provided clues. YouTube.com, “Tsunami Preparedness Oral History of the Hoh,” features Hoh elder Viola Rieke telling the story of Thunderbird and Whale roles in tsunamis. [...]

Breaking News – 322nd Year Anniversary of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake/Tsunami2022-02-26T21:39:05+00:00

Education Journey – Brick and Mortar or Online or…?


Education Journey - Brick and Mortar or Online or...? By Nancy Aird Human Rights Watch, hrw.org, report “Years Don’t Wait for Them – Increased Inequalities in Children’s Right to Education Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic”. Bede Shepard, Hye Jung Han, and Elin Martinez, May 17, 2021. By April, 190 countries worldwide shut out 1.4 billion students from pre-primary through secondary schools. This is roughly 90% of the world’s school-aged children’s education disrupted. As a California middle school teacher summed up in the report, “A lot of these problems that we are facing with distance learning are problems that we deal [...]

Education Journey – Brick and Mortar or Online or…?2022-02-26T21:29:47+00:00

Evaluate Local Workforce Against Education Through Data Analytic Tools


CHMURA – JOBSEQ: Evaluate Local Workforce Against Education Through Data Analytic Tools By Nancy Aird Do you understand the local workforce? JobsEQ by CHMURA software tools provide data analytics on critical indicators, including occupation and industry data, demographic profile by age and race, income and poverty levels, underemployment, growth demands, wages, and employment by history. JobsEQ for Education also produces data projections on what skills, certifications, and occupations will be high-wage and in-demand in the coming years. Ten of the Centers of Excellence (COE) have joined together to develop a CHMURA Data Pilot to research, analyze and disseminate information [...]

Evaluate Local Workforce Against Education Through Data Analytic Tools2021-06-22T21:51:59+00:00
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