Acknowledgment of Recent Events


We wanted to take a moment to acknowledge recent events by Center Staff We are shocked by the most recent mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde. No matter what, we cannot become accustomed to these heinous acts of violence. During the pandemic, our county and the world experienced unprecedented losses, forcing many of us into relative seclusion. Some have attributed the health crisis as a possible explanation for angry, disturbed individuals suddenly taking out their angst on unsuspecting, often defenseless persons. Because these acts are so far removed from common decency and respect for human life, it is easy, in [...]

Acknowledgment of Recent Events2022-06-28T17:19:37+00:00

Sound Careers in Healthcare Week – Charting Real Options in a Virtual World


Sound Careers in Healthcare Week - Charting Real Options in a Virtual World When: April 26 to April 30, 2021 Time: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm We are excited to share information about a FREE virtual healthcare career exploration opportunity coming up April 26-30th. Sound Careers in Healthcare is a week-long event being offered in collaboration with employers and healthcare educators.  Most daily presentations will be live and interactive and will cover an extensive range of topics.  Although designed for 9-12th graders in Pierce and King Counties, anyone with access to the inter net who would like to explore different career [...]

Sound Careers in Healthcare Week – Charting Real Options in a Virtual World2021-04-21T19:41:49+00:00
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