Sound Careers in Healthcare Week – Charting Real Options in a Virtual World
When: April 26 to April 30, 2021
Time: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
We are excited to share information about a FREE virtual healthcare career exploration opportunity coming up April 26-30th.
Sound Careers in Healthcare is a week-long event being offered in collaboration with employers and healthcare educators. Most daily presentations will be live and interactive and will cover an extensive range of topics. Although designed for 9-12th graders in Pierce and King Counties, anyone with access to the inter
net who would like to explore different career pathways in health is welcome to attend.
The planning committee is strongly committed to creating this opportunity for all students specializing in BIPOC, first-generation, and/or low-income students. We recognize your influence in how you choose to communicate this opportunity. In light of racial inequities among healthcare workers and disparities in quality of health for our BIPOC communities, please consider your usual information distribution practice, and identify additional ways to encourage people of color to attend.
This is a great way for attendees to learn about healthcare careers in a remote environment. Sessions will be offered between 3 – 4:30 p.m. each day, and participants are not obligated to attend all sessions. However, other incentive prizes for participation will be awarded daily. Throughout the week, participants who attend each day will be in a drawing for two $500 scholarships and a $250 gift card.
Please share this opportunity to explore healthcare careers with your students/clients! Early registrants could earn a $5 Starbucks gift card. Register now!
Thank you for your support in this event.