Women in Leadership Profile: Elizabeth Klute


By Deb Moller Imagine a book of inspiring stories about women leading interesting lives. A teenage girl working as a wireman for the local electric company.  A sheep shearer in New Zealand. A sailor living aboard a boat for seven years. A woman who taught Bill Gates to use a technology program. A bee-keeper.  An engineering student who did poorly in her college classes yet became one of the first to switch from manual to electronic drafting.   A white-hat hacker.  A student at the bottom of her class at Pennisula College due to numerical dyslexia. A United Nations [...]

Women in Leadership Profile: Elizabeth Klute2021-05-04T23:12:50+00:00

Preparedness Workshop


In January, we marked the 321st anniversary of the last full-rip 9.0 Cascadia earthquake. In March, we note the 20th anniversary of the Nisqually earthquake. Even though we live in earthquake country, we aren’t ready for a significant event. Will we ever be? Is getting people to prepare an impossible pipe dream or a worthy goal? Why is it so difficult? Are Emergency Managers the right people to carry the preparedness message? If not, why not? If not, who is? This class will use research from applied behavioral science, the principles of adult education, and findings from marketing efforts to [...]

Preparedness Workshop2021-04-07T21:41:36+00:00
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