Holiday Message from COE -HSEM Co-Chair Curry Mayer


Holiday Message from COE -HSEM Co-Chair Curry Mayer Moving into the second holiday season of a global pandemic and another New Year where there is a good deal of uncertainty, is no doubt not where we thought we would be this year. There are many things this past year that have given us much to still be concerned about for 2022, however, I feel there is also a lot that provides reasons to be hopeful. And at the risk of sounding Polly Anna, let me explain. Throughout 2021, we have seen and felt and understood like never before the power [...]

Holiday Message from COE -HSEM Co-Chair Curry Mayer2021-12-24T03:22:19+00:00

ADA Thoughts: Outlooks By Curry Mayer


By Curry Mayer It is interesting that we, in emergency management, talk at length about helping as many people as possible in all of our programs and in all of the phases of emergency management, however, I don’t believe we have spent enough time thinking about how we reach those who are differently abled. The term that is most inclusive of those with additional needs, is people with “Access and Functional Needs”, which goes beyond what the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires. Access is about mobility, which includes the elderly and small children, and those who use mobility devices; [...]

ADA Thoughts: Outlooks By Curry Mayer2021-04-28T22:58:10+00:00
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