“In November of 2019, I established the Rising Star award at the Center to recognize and honor individuals in the all-hazard emergency management profession who have assisted his or her community in a positive and productive way. The Center has always been focused on student success and helping people change the trajectory of their lives but we as a Board to recognize these emerging leaders and their contribution to their chosen profession and organizations. Our award winners in 2019 have already advanced in their careers and have added great value to their organization. We are excited about selecting our next recipients for 2020.”
– Linda Crerar, Director
“I was shocked to be receiving the first ever Rising Star Award. It felt nice to be rewarded for my contributions to the Center. For Linda to take the time to honor and celebrate hard working people shows the type of leader she is: completely selfless and one how builds others up. That type of leadership is not always easy to find. Being one of the first recipients of the Rising Star Award has helped, not only boost my confidence, but showed that what I do matters to people. The Center has provided a great place to grow and hone my skills as I first started out at the Center as an Intern, then transitioned into Special Projects
Coordinator, to where I am now the organization’s Program Manager. It has been a wonderful journey these past 8 ½ years and I look forward to what the future holds.”
– Kellie Hale, Program Manager
“When I first heard that I was going to be one of the recipients of the Rising Star Award, I was surprised. I have never received an award like this that recognizes the accomplishments that I have made in my career as a Media Specialist. I was honored that the growth in my work culminated in me receiving this award. So far, it has helped to empower me in my work and made me feel valued for my efforts that I have put in. I know that I am on the right track to maintaining success in my career field and the Rising Star Award only helps push me to strive for performing better at my job to create new content.”
– Jasmine May, Media Specialist
Check out the application: http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07eh7c757mkcnqe4o7/a00jkeaikmua/questions?continue=Continue+%3E