I am truly grateful for the opportunities and experience that I was able to gain while working for the Center of Excellence for HSEM. I believe this award to be one of many extensions of empowerment that the Center provides to everyone that they touch. For me it was not so much the object I received, rather it was the feeling of pride that I experienced because the people I respected believed in my success. When I was presented with the award in front of my colleagues it wasn’t as if I was being honored in the sense that I had achieved something out of the ordinary. I saw it as an amazing acknowledgement which showed that through hard work and perseverance (and great friends) in a short amount time I was able to raise myself to become a respected peer. Now that my star has risen, it’s time to help others to reach higher than they thought they could on their own. I continue to appreciate all that the Center has to offer and the very real sense of empowerment that they bring to others through their outreach and initiatives like the Rising Star Award.
Shane Moore
Catastrophic Planner
Operations Unit / Preparedness Section
Emergency Management Division
Washington Military Department
“Overall Shane has met or exceeded all expectations for his position. Shane’s positive attitude and work ethic have made him a valuable member of the team. Furthermore, Shane had worked tirelessly in support of COVID-19 response, contributing to the state’s efforts to provide local and tribal governments with enough resources for their response efforts. Shane took on extra duties to continue to support local planning while also completing tasks related to his new role as the catastrophic planner. He consistently adds value to each program he has touched. During this period Shane completed a Planning Engagement Guide that serve as a foundational document for how the state conducts emergency planning for years to come.”
– Michael Roberson, Planning Program Supervisor.