Message from our New Advisory Board Member, Vincent Davis –
The Importance of Feeding America During COVID-19

“In general, very few people are prepared for any kind of disaster including disability which doesn’t require a hurricane.” – Arthur Ashe

As I go about the important work of feeding families impacted by our nation’s most deadly disaster, I try not to dwell on the despair millions face from food insecurity, but rather on the precious privilege I’ve been given to help make a difference. More than providing meals, Feeding America, through its generous donors and network of 200 food banks and over 60,000 agencies, provides hope to those who have lost their livelihoods, homes and in many instances their loved ones due to COVID19 and other disasters. For more than 50 million Americans, we provide dignity; what we do isn’t a hand out, but a hand up to brighter days ahead. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity of serving with the COE as we work together to prepare ourselves, our institutions, and our communities for future events. I hope you all have a blessed and safe holiday season.

Best wishes,

Vince Davis- CEM, MCP, NEMAA
Director of Disaster Services
Feeding America
Preparedness Matters Disaster Consulting

*Vince Davis has over 20-years diverse experience in emergency and crisis management and business continuity that includes military, government, disaster relief, and corporate entities Walgreens, Sony, and Amazon. He is a Certified Emergency Manager by the International Association of Emergency Managers, Master Continuity Practitioner (FEMA), and graduate of the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy (NEMAA).