Falling Backwards: How to Cope with Less Daylight
By Kellie Hale
On the first Sunday of November, most Americans had their clocks turn back and gain an hour. Some people enjoy having an extra hour. However, I am not someone who does. I wouldn’t say I like losing that extra hour of daylight. I’m not a fan of the sun setting at 4:30 p.m. and having to drive home in the dark.
We don’t get the necessary Vitamin D with the lack of sunlight, which brings on the seasonal affective disorder (SAD). What is SAD? According to the Mayo Clinic, SAD is a type of depression related to change in seasons. Symptoms of SAD tend to begin in the fall and can continue into the winter. With SAD, people’s mood changes, and energy is snapped. But there are ways to help deal and cope with the clocks falling backward that can help make the fall and winter months more enjoyable.
• Light treatment, talk therapy, and medication can help people who are susceptible to SAD.
• Spend time outdoors while the sun is bright in the sky to make the daylight hours count. For example, sit by a sunny window and soak up rays whenever possible.
• Take the time to celebrate winter activities. Look at what can be done during the colder months rather than what cannot be done.
• Exercise! Get that necessary fuel and energy that comes with exercising. Physical activity can help alleviate depression and relax anxiety.
• Talk to your doctor, if you can, about Vitamin D deficiency.
Source: https://www.dickinsoncenter.org/blog/2018/1/2/coping-with-less-daylight-hours