Currently WA is showing 9953 cybersecurity job openings. Do you have an interest protecting digital privacy and infrastructure? Check out the following categories: Security Provision, Protect & Defend, Operate & Maintain, Oversee & Govern, Analyze, or Collect &. Each of these broad categories link to further job descriptions in the Cyberseek ( site linked from NIST (see below). Local employers, educators, students, workers, policy makers, and other stakeholders can gain information from this site.
WA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES ( has created this search program to locate apprenticeship programs registered in Washington State. ARTS (Apprenticeship Registration & Tracking) tool looks up programs by county and occupation, information on registering a program, and search site for apprentices to learn their current apprenticeship status for jobs.
COMPUTING FOR ALL PRE-APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM ( Pre-apprenticeship programs or services help prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship program.
ACTiV – Accelerated Career Training and Innovation ( combines on-the-job training with related classroom instruction in software development under journey-level or trade professionals. Company is expanding program into cybersecurity and system administration.
APPRENTI ( is a tech intermediary for the US Dept. of Labor. Apprenti is actively recruiting women, diverse ethnic candidates, and veterans for the tech industry – although anyone is encouraged to apply. Opening steps for this company are: take a competency assessment, be at least 18 years old and eligible to work in US for duration of the program. Applicants who pass the test will be informed when apprenticeship opportunities are available.
NIST –NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY ( Cybersecurity has over 50 work roles with skills needed from diverse range of backgrounds. This government site has tools to help explore options for jobs and lists of FREE/LOW COST online cybersecurity learning content. Links went to CYBERSEEK – actionable data about supply and demand in the cyber job market. Cybersecurity Career Pathways Tool shows career pathways from common transition opportunities, detailed information about salaries, credentials, and skillsets associated with each role.