Center of Excellence – HSEM : Subcommittee Highlights


Center of Excellence – HSEM : Subcommittee Highlights Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) An integral part of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion project for the Center of Excellence for Homeland Security & Emergency Management. The goal is to develop student experiential learning opportunities by developing a plan to promote, support and disseminate research regarding diversity and inclusion in Emergency Management. Outcomes: • Highlight innovative diversity and inclusion practices enhancing community resilience. • Building the social equity and diversity value into our community and technical college systems. • Identify and integrate EDI concepts into the emergency management curriculum [...]

Center of Excellence – HSEM : Subcommittee Highlights2021-09-27T18:54:29+00:00

2021-22 Work Plan Activities


2021-22 Work Plan Activities Activity #1: Provide Leadership and Guidance That Aligns w/SBCTC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Vision and Goals– Recovering and Eliminating Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias Center working with its Advisory Board has adopted program goals that will help the SBCTC system identify, integrate, apply, and maintain EDI principles in all Center’s Career Pathway Programs curriculum. The goal is to significantly improve our education pathway outcomes for all underrepresented communities building a diverse and competitive workforce. The Board established a working sub-committee made up of Board Members, faculty, staff, and students to collaborate on: Reviewing current [...]

2021-22 Work Plan Activities2021-07-27T19:06:18+00:00

Washington Disaster Resiliency Work Group


In the 2019 legislative session Insurance Commissioner, Mike Kreidler proposed legislation to help our state prepare for and mitigate climate disasters. The Senate Bill 5106 was signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee and created a workgroup represented by 27 organizations including legislators, state agencies, insurance companies, Tribal leaders, municipal groups, and other key parties to review and make recommendations on how to best coordinate and improve disaster resilience work in Washington state. The law took effect on July 28, and a final report, Disaster Resiliency Work Group Final Report - November 2020, was delivered to the state legislature on [...]

Washington Disaster Resiliency Work Group2021-04-07T22:27:00+00:00
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