Featured Interview: Joseph Dilley


Featured Interview: Joseph Dilley 1. The last time we talked with you was in January 2020. How have things changed since then in regards to the Fire Services Program? The FSLM program itself has not changed much, however; our approach has become more a holistic approach. Our program at Pierce College is still attempting to fill needs of the fire service as a whole. The FSLM has added courses that are exam and certification preparation courses that are being ran through the Community and Continuing Education program. There were two courses added to the course catalog to develop a [...]

Featured Interview: Joseph Dilley2021-05-26T20:08:57+00:00

Functional Assessment Service Teams (FAST)


By Nancy Aird The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted on July 26, 1990. It guaranteed equal access to individuals with disabilities to state and local programs, services, programs, activities, and facilities, which included support from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), faith and community-based organizations, and private sources. FEMAs’ Whole Community preparedness approach promotes integrating people with access and functional needs (AFN) into general emergency shelters or other areas. In 2007, the California Department of Social Services created the Functional Assessment Service Team (FAST) program after Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath showed sheltering thousands of disaster victims needed pre-incident and proper coordination. FAST [...]

Functional Assessment Service Teams (FAST)2021-04-29T20:48:59+00:00
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