Political Hokey Pokey: Navigating Politics in Emergency Management


Political Hokey Pokey: Navigating Politics in Emergency Management   By Jim Mullen In a world where politics can often feel like a chaotic game of “hokey pokey,” it’s vital to remember that emergency management is about serving all communities in times of crisis—regardless of political or social affiliation. We all remember that charming limerick from our childhood. Essentially, it describes how we put the right foot in and then out, followed by the left foot, in and out, and so on.  It’s important to recall that this children’s dance had rules to be followed. One foot went first, then another, and [...]

Political Hokey Pokey: Navigating Politics in Emergency Management2024-12-04T23:50:26+00:00

Now What?


Now What? By Jim Mullen As climate change impacts and political challenges grow, local and state governments must focus on building resilience. This article highlights the critical role of emergency management in preparing for future disasters. The federal election is over. A new Administration will assume the reins on January 20. There will be concern that federal budget priorities may not be geared toward resolving FEMA’s annual funding shortfalls despite evidence that successive administrations (and Congress) have failed to adequately provide sufficient resources on an annual basis, even in the face of increasingly complex events. However, local and state governments [...]

Now What?2024-11-21T19:16:25+00:00

Disaster Exercise Scenario “Injects” – What Might Stretch Credulity?


Disaster Exercise Scenario “Injects” - What Might Stretch Credulity? Emergency Management Once Removed By Jim Mullen Somewhere, or in many “somewhere” in the United States, diligent emergency management professionals are designing disaster exercises. Some will be tabletops; some full field exercises; some a mix of tabletop/field activity. Some will receive highly visible public attention; others may occur outside public view. Not all will successfully achieve their stated objectives. If a readiness gap is revealed or detected, a good public purpose will have been served, because capability gaps that surface, if addressed, will be more manageable if the after-action considerations have [...]

Disaster Exercise Scenario “Injects” – What Might Stretch Credulity?2024-11-14T19:30:06+00:00

On Resilience – What Is It? Why Are We Talking About It?


On Resilience – What Is It? Why Are We Talking About It? Emergency Management Once Removed October 4, 2024 By Jim Mullen Some people have difficulty discerning  what disaster resilience means. Admittedly, it’s an amorphous concept because it does not carry the aura of a “final solution” – and in emergency management some of the better expert staff I oversaw were wary of the term. But It’s time for homeland security/emergency management professionals to understand the concept of resilience  -bend but don’t break –is essential to sustain the social equilibrium in difficult circumstances. What homeland security and emergency management professionals [...]

On Resilience – What Is It? Why Are We Talking About It?2024-10-03T22:47:17+00:00

A Word About Disaster Preparedness


The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

A Word About Disaster Preparedness2024-09-20T20:44:08+00:00

RESILIENCE FOR NEXT EARTHQUAKE: Video Game promoting preparedness


RESILIENCE FOR NEXT EARTHQUAKE: Video Game promoting preparedness By Nancy Aird Lewis & Clark students and professors created a video game called Cascadia 9.0 (https://www.cascadia9game.org) to promote preparedness incorporating technology. The players navigate through an earthquake devastated city looking for their corgi dog that escaped during the earthquake. The game teaches what you should do in case the infrastructure is disrupted by the player making correct survival choices. For example, should you drink unpurified water? What happens during aftershocks and gas leaks? The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is our nation’s largest water, earth, and biological science and civilian [...]

RESILIENCE FOR NEXT EARTHQUAKE: Video Game promoting preparedness2022-11-09T22:11:58+00:00

PIEPC July Webinar ShakeAlert Evolution: Programming for the Inevitable


  One year after public alerting via WEA and cell phones was available in Washington State, ShakeAlert continues to evolve. More accurate estimates of magnitude and shaking levels have lead to more confidence in triggering automated actions when strong shaking is imminent. What changes in ShakeAlert have been implemented and what is in the works? How is ShakeAlert helping to protect critical infrastructure today? Bill Steele has directed the Educational Outreach and Communications Program for the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) at the University of Washington, since 1993. He works closely with news reporters and filmmakers to provide hazards information [...]

PIEPC July Webinar ShakeAlert Evolution: Programming for the Inevitable2022-07-12T20:19:01+00:00

September: National Preparedness Month – Prepare to Protect


September: National Preparedness Month – Prepare to Protect “The theme of this year’s National Preparedness Month is “Prepare to Protect.”  During the past year, natural disasters have sent our communities into turmoil, and we have seen the particularly devastating toll they take on disadvantaged, low-income communities and people of color.  Beyond the physical damage done by natural disasters, these storms also exact an emotional toll on their victims, from the pain of losing a loved one to the pressure caused by financial setbacks.  Therefore, we must all prepare to better protect ourselves and our communities against both immediate crises [...]

September: National Preparedness Month – Prepare to Protect2021-09-27T18:57:59+00:00

Japan Insights on Preparedness


By Nancy Aird March 3, 2011, marks the tenth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster. Japan faced this experience with “BOSAI,” a science that can save your life. Nationally this cultural idea of preparedness /resiliency evolved from the EDO period experiences of running urban fires. Today the nation is faced yearly with emergency response activation from earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, floods, landslides, snow, and volcano eruption. Disaster preparedness is exercised for and handled by all levels of society - national, community, personal, and schools. Check out Japanese insights and lessons for handling emergencies on [...]

Japan Insights on Preparedness2021-04-07T22:28:36+00:00

Preparedness Workshop


In January, we marked the 321st anniversary of the last full-rip 9.0 Cascadia earthquake. In March, we note the 20th anniversary of the Nisqually earthquake. Even though we live in earthquake country, we aren’t ready for a significant event. Will we ever be? Is getting people to prepare an impossible pipe dream or a worthy goal? Why is it so difficult? Are Emergency Managers the right people to carry the preparedness message? If not, why not? If not, who is? This class will use research from applied behavioral science, the principles of adult education, and findings from marketing efforts to [...]

Preparedness Workshop2021-04-07T21:41:36+00:00
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