Joel Aggergaard Memorial Scholarship
Joel Aggergaard began working for the Washington State Department of Emergency Management in 1970’s and served until his untimely death in 1996. He thoroughly enjoyed his career with Emergency Management, and his “heart” was with supporting local Emergency Management Programs. It may be necessary to be a local emergency manager to fully appreciate the enormous contribution Joel made to local programs during the years he worked with emergency management. If you have been stressed to the point there is not one additional free minute in your day, but you need to get an issue clarified with State Department of Emergency Management and it must be taken care of today …then… you will begin to understand. A phone call placed to Joel reached someone who was not only usually familiar with the issue but also very interested. The issues either became resolved or a commitment was made from Joel to follow-up for resolution.
Joel was commended for his extraordinary work with emergency management and named the “most helpful” state official by local, county and city emergency managers across Washington State. Joel assisted with countless floods, storms and local emergencies, and was a welcome addition to any activated Emergency Operating Center during a disaster.
Joel was also an avid supporter of youth and their activities. Because of his selfless support and commitment to local emergency management directors, WSEMA has chosen to provide an educational scholarship commemorating Joel in the hope that others who possess his worthy qualities and have a personal dedication to achievement may have expanded opportunities.
A $2,000.00 scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a certificate, diploma, baccalaureate, or graduate degree in emergency management or a closely related field. The scholarship award will be directly paid to the college.
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