Find Your Superpower

By Nancy Aird

Did your college dreams get stopped by life experiences, financial hardships, learning challenges, COVID shutdown, or caring for children and family members?  You are not alone. Since fall of 2019, 2.6 million students started their college careers. 39 million Americans have some college credits, but have not finished their education to get degrees.

Re-enrollment success is not a one-size-fits-all- solution. Community and technical colleges are a great localized start to getting back onto your path to success. You have gained life experience since your college path stopped. What are your current career goals now?

Colleges are offering courses in newer formats: online, hybrid-online with some in person content, and in school. Courses, short programs, workshops or boot camps can get your goals started in months.

Certificates are also a good value starting point. Certification programs can help you prepare for employment towards your dream career. When time and money is a premium consideration, look into classes that fit within your schedule and budget. Some advantages for earning a certificate are: shorter time to earn(often complete 4-6 months), find classes that fit your schedule, advancing your skills in your current job, or opportunities to start following your dream in new directions.

Colleges may have funding available to get your dream path started. You just have to go through the door and take that first step.