Campus Safety in this challenging day and age – What your college is doing about Campus Safety?
By Josh Brown – Pierce College District Director of Emergency Preparedness and Campus Safety
August 23, 2024
The Pacific Northwest has one of the most diverse college communities, cultures, and potential emergencies in Washington State. Since one could experience every known disaster imaginable on campuses, we must ensure our college institutions are safe and secure. All college campuses maintain learning, growth, and community to assist students in pursuing their future academic goals, lifetime friends, memories, and valued independence. Although emergencies can happen at a moment’s notice, college campuses are not exempt. Institutions may be subjected to anything from natural disasters to security threats at any time. One must always be aware and ready for emergencies for the safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff.
In recent years, Pierce College has faced a series of challenging situations. The college has been tested, from near-miss fires to potential active threats, evacuations, and cyber disruptions. In response, we have shown our unwavering commitment to safety by adapting our approach. We have re-evaluated, updated, and improved all emergency plans and operations, incorporating lessons learned from recent events. This adaptability and steadfast commitment to safety equip our communities with the knowledge, discipline, and expertise to establish new avenues and approaches to improve safety, providing a sense of security and support to our students, faculty, and staff.
Overall, these partnerships with local entities accentuate a whole community approach required to accommodate the needs of everyone. We have a few planned tabletop exercises and meetings with local emergency organizations to develop plans and practice for events. Becoming adequately equipped and having solid protocols for all emergencies will save lives and prevent future harm to our communities. Everyone must familiarize themselves with emergency procedures, campus resources, and self-defense strategies to enhance response and react appropriately to emergencies, ensuring that we are all part of a larger safety network.
When a serious incident occurs that causes an immediate threat to the campus, the first responders to the scene are usually Campus Safety, the Lakewood Police and West Pierce Fire & Rescue at the Ft. Steilacoom campus; and Campus Safety, the Puyallup Police, and Central Pierce Fire & Rescue at the Puyallup campus. Depending on the nature of the incident, other Pierce College departments and local or federal agencies could also be involved in responding.
If ever on a Pierce College campus, please refer to the Pierce College Campus Safety website for emergencies: https://www.pierce.ctc.edu/campus-safety
As you embark on your college journey, remember that preparedness and awareness are not about living in fear but empowering yourself with the knowledge and skills to stay safe. By prioritizing safety, one can focus on studies and lasting relationships and make the most of your experiences with confidence and peace of mind.
For more campus safety information specific to a college, please visit their related websites.